Študentje / Students


V dijaškem domu Škofijske gimnazije Vipava (v nadaljevanju DD ŠGV) nudimo možnost bivanja študentom in študentkam (v nadaljevanju študent).

Študentom, ki so nastanjeni v DD ŠGV, poleg nastanitve nudimo posamezne obroke. Prehrano nudimo tudi tistim študentom, ki ne stanujejo v DD ŠGV. Lahko se naročijo na posamezne obroke. Zaradi epidemioloških ali drugih razlogov se lahko začasno sklene, da obrokov ne nudimo.

Študent, ki je sprejet v DD, dobi le posteljo z jogijem. Posteljnino, vzglavnik in odejo prinese s seboj.

Študent ima možnost, proti doplačilu pavšala 6€/mesec, uporabo pralnega stroja in likalnika.

Prednost pri vpisu v DD ŠGV imajo študentje fakultet v Vipavi, nato študentje fakultet v Ajdovščini.

Zaželeno je, da je študent nekadilec. V sobah in na območju DD ŠGV, je prepovedana uporaba tobaka, tobačnih izdelkov, alkohola in drog.

Podrobneje so pravice, dolžnosti in pogoji bivanja opredeljeni v Pravilniku o bivanju študentov v dijaškem domu, s katerim se je študent dolžan seznaniti pred vselitvijo v DD. Te jih najdete tukaj.

Stroški bivanja v DD ŠGV se plačujejo mesečno, in sicer vnaprej. Mesečni znesek je odvisen od vrste sobe in števila stanovalcev v sobi; trenutno znaša od 130 € do 170 €. Strošek prehrane, je odvisen od števila in vrste obrokov. CENIK ZA ŠTUDENTE.

Primer sobe in študentsko kuhinjo najdete na fotografijah tukaj.

Študentje se lahko udejstvujejo na duhovnem področju in se udeležujejo dejavnosti, ki so omenjene na spletni strani DD, pod rubriko Duhovnost in dejavnosti, razen, če je to izrecno zaradi epidemioloških ali drugih razlogov, to začasno omejeno.

Število prostih postelj je omejeno in glede na omejenost, je trenutno možna samo nastanitev v več posteljnih sobah.

Za vpis v DD ŠGV pošljite izpolnjeno prijavnico do ponedeljka, 5. 9. 2023. V petek, 9. 9. 2023, boste o odločitvi seznanjeni po e-mailu.

Po tem datumu bomo še sprejemali prijavnice, vendar možnosti nastanitve bo odločala razpoložljivost posteljnih kapacitet.

Prosimo, da vsa vprašanja, ki so povezana z bivanjem študentom, naslavljate izključno na sledeči e-mail: student@sgv.si. Na telefon dijaškega doma nismo dosegljivi.

ali na naslov:
Škofijska gimnazija Vipava, Goriška cesta 29, 5271 Vipava, pripis: prijavnica študentje.



In the student dormitory of the Diocesan Gymnasium Vipava (hereinafter DD ŠGV) we offer the possibility of accommodation to students (hereinafter student).

In addition to accommodation, we offer individual meals to students who are accommodated in DD ŠGV. We also offer food to those students who do not live in DD ŠGV. They can be ordered for individual meals. For epidemiological or other reasons, it may be provisionally decided not to offer meals.

A student admitted to DD only gets a bed with a mattress. Bring bedding, pillow and blanket.

The student has the option, for a flat fee of 6 € / month, to use the washing machine and iron.

Students of faculties in Vipava have priority in enrolling in DD ŠGV, followed by students of faculties in Ajdovščina.

It is desirable that the student is a non-smoker. The use of tobacco, tobacco products, alcohol and drugs is prohibited in the rooms and in the area of ​​DD ŠGV.

The rights, duties and conditions of residence are defined in more detail in the Rules on the residence of students in the student dormitory, which the student is obliged to become acquainted with before moving into the DD. You can find them here.

The costs of living in DD ŠGV are paid monthly, in advance. The monthly amount depends on the type of room and the number of occupants in the room; currently ranges from € 130 to € 170. The cost of food depends on the number and type of meals. PRICE LIST FOR STUDENTS.

An example of a room and a student kitchen can be found in the photos here.

Students may engage in the spiritual field and participate in the activities mentioned on the DD website under the heading Spirituality and activities, unless this is temporarily restricted for epidemiological or other reasons.

Due to the limited number of beds, currently only accommodation in several bed rooms is possible.

To enrol in DD ŠGV, send the completed application form by Monday, 5 September 2023. On Friday, 9 September 2023, you will be informed of the decision by e-mail.

After this date, we will still accept applications, but accommodation options will be determined by the availability of bed capacity.

Please address all questions related to staying as a student exclusively to the following e-mail: student@sgv.si. We are not available on the student dormitory phone.

Send the application form here to the e-mail address: student@sgv.si

or to the address:

Diocesan Gymnasium Vipava, Goriška cesta 29, 5271 Vipava, annotation: student application form.